Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Hello Summer!

Shadows & Stripes

It's been super hot these past few days and since we moved into our townhouse four months ago air conditioning wasn't exactly high on the priority list.  Now that summer has officially kicked in sleeping at night is sticky and uncomfortable and trying to keep two small toddlers somewhat cool is not an easy task.

I really do get the conserve energy, high electricity bill and is it really necessary discussion but I will throw my hands up and say yes, I will use the central air system when I need it most...  I spent many a days in Thailand during the Peace Corps dreaming when I would not have to feel uncomfortable in such heat.  Those days are fond and laughable but I don't think Ella and Finnian find the humor in the heat just yet.

So I came across this post and might have to give a few things a try over the next few days.  The AC man comes on Saturday thank goodness!

this video

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