Tuesday 11 September 2012

Back to...

So September starts school buses, new shoes and a whole new schedule.  The lazy days of summer quickly fade away with the cooler nights and warmer blankets.  September for me has always kind of been the time of year for new beginnings (it's kind of like my New Year's in a way).  After college, I was a teacher, during the Peace Corps I was a teacher, then there was post graduate and babies and now my very own baby is starting her school days rituals...

So you see I have always kind of been on the 'get organised and back on track in September' cycle.  Over the summer blogging and writing took a back seat because I accidentally forget my computer on an international trip and only recently have gotten it back so I really had a different change of pace this summer filled with lots of books, travel and many, many runs to the park! I loved every minute of my 'non-tech' time but now its time too get organised and figure out where this road is bending.

My organising usually involves simplifying a few things so that's just what I am going to do with my on line blogs.  You can find all my latest blogs here right in one place!

Thanks so much for stopping by! See you over at www.kidtory.com

(more pictures on instagram @devine_kelly)

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